Attention Volleyball Parents and Fans: The volleyball game this afternoon will be in Granger ISD and they will not be allowing visitor fans to attend their VB game this afternoon. This is not an in district game.
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Attention Varsity Football players. Our game has been cancelled with Hull Daisetta due to the hurricane, but we have picked up Cushing High School and will still play Friday at 7pm at The Rock! Let’s go Yeguas!
over 3 years ago, Cal Neatherlin
Attention Intermediate parents! We are excited for the first day of school on Monday! Please send your child with a water bottle if you have one, and a mask. We do have masks if they need one. Students (no parents) will be allowed to enter the building at 7:15 and get their breakfast before heading to their first class. We will have schedules for them and you can also access this information on parent portal. The school day begins at 7:45 and ends at 3:35. A reminder that NO CELL PHONES are allowed on campus at all this year. Virtual students need to log in to their Chromebook using the provided email and password. This information is on the label placed inside of the Chromebook next to the keyboard. Students need to check their email for invites to their teacher’s Google classrooms. Students need to complete their assignments each day before midnight in order to be counted present. If you have problems, please call the school at 979-596-1502 or email the principal at We will work through problems with you as quickly as we can. If you do not yet have internet, you may access free WIFI from several different locations listed if you click on the following link. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to get both face to face and virtual classrooms up and running. All parents-both face to face and virtual! Please sign up for remind 101 to receive grade level notifications and reminders from your teachers! Somerville Codes are as follows: 5th grade- @yeguas5 6th grade- @6thsisinfo 7th grade- @sis7th2021 The directions for signing up for remind 101 can be accessed by clicking the following link
over 3 years ago, LeAnne Baugus
Intermediate students!!!! If you have indicated that your child will be attending school virtually and you are registered, then you should have already picked up a Chromebook. This only applies to grades 5-7 virtual students. Please come pick it up today!
over 3 years ago, LeAnne Baugus
SISD is excited and preparing for our students to return!
over 3 years ago, Somerville ISD
Introducing the 2020-2021 Intermediate Staff! We are so excited to see all of our students in person or online on Monday, the 24th for the first day of school! Please click here to begin the presentation and click the link under each person's name to watch their introduction video. Click on the slide to move to the next group.
almost 4 years ago, LeAnne Baugus
August 22, 2020 DUAL- Volleyball @ Madisonville Madisonville Lady Mustangs VS. Somerville Yeguas & Cameron Yoe *If your team is not playing please exit gym to allow room for the next team's fans. Competition GYM Varsity: 10:00 a.m. Madisonville vs. Somerville 11:30 a.m. Somerville vs Cameron 1:00 p.m. Madisonville vs Cameron HIGH school GYM JV: 10:00 a.m. Madisonville JV vs Somerville JV 11:30 a.m. Cameron JV vs. Somerville JV 1:00 p.m. Madisonville JV vs Cameron JV Junior HIGH Gym: 10:00 a.m. Madisonville JV vs Cameron Freshman
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
It's time for Intermediate Chromebook pickup for students participating in at home instruction! If you are registered for this school year, and have indicated either by survey or phone call that your child will be attending school at home/online, then you may click the link below to schedule a time to pick up your child's Chromebook. A parent will need to pickup the device. The commitment form, Chromebook agreement and acceptable use policy will all need to be completed as well as all parts of registration. Please note that students who are learning at home will be required to turn in assignments each day in their classes in order to be counted present and avoid truancy. Sign Up!
almost 4 years ago, LeAnne Baugus
All students who will be participating in extracurricular activities this year at Somerville ISD will be required to attend school face to face.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Extra Curricular Activities
All SISD Staff Appreciate the special delivery of bundt cakes from Citizens State Bank! Thank you Leisa Dowell for making our day SWEETER! THANKYOU!!!!
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
cake drop
cake drop
We appreciate B&B for donating school supplies to SISD! THANK YOU!!!
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Dear Volleyball and Cheer Parents and Staff, Somerville ISD has been notified that a student who participates in both volleyball and cheer has tested positive for COVID-19. The Somerville High School Gym and the Yegua Center, will be deeply sanitized. All Somerville Independent School District employees and students are instructed to continue to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations and to practice social distancing. Based on the information that we have gathered, it has been determined that the end of the 14-day incubation period for anyone possibly exposed on campus to the student is August 17th. Out of an abundance of caution, we advise you to monitor your health, follow the CDC guidelines for people who have had close contact and contact your primary care physician if you develop symptoms. Somerville ISD is continuing to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed. We hope for a successful recovery for our SHS student. If you have any questions please call us. Sincerely, Karla Sparks Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Karla Sparks, Superintendent
Band Practice Clarification: From August 1st to September 6th, the UIL Music Department is restricting all band programs from teaching the marching drill of their UIL Contest Show. However, all bands can practice the music of their contest show and practice marching fundamentals only. They are also allowed to rehearse a "Pop Show" for football games with simple drill moves that have nothing to do with the UIL Drill. All bands are allowed to begin rehearsing their UIL Show on September 7th. Mr. Idlebird will see you at your scheduled practice time!
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Varsity Football will begin practice on August 3rd. This will include all incoming 9th-12th graders. We will practice Monday-Friday from 6pm - 8pm. Make sure you come early Monday in order to have all your equipment squared away and ready! The YEGUAS are ready to roll!! Let’s go!!! #YeguaNation
almost 4 years ago, Cal Neatherlin
Somerville Lady Yegus Volleyball 2-A-Days Practice: Week of August 3- August 8 Incoming freshman-Incoming Seniors Monday, August 3-Thursday August 6 Arrival: 8:30 Workout 1:9:00AM-11:00AM Break: 11:00AM-1:00PM Workout 2: 1:00PM-4:00PM Friday, August 7 Arrival: 8:30 Practice:9:00AM-11:00AM Leave for Madisonville Scrimmage @ 12:30 Saturday, August 8 Arrival: 8:30 Practice 9:00 AM-12:00 PM (Mandatory) Attire: All athletes must wear black athletic shorts for AM practice with any Somerville tshirt and black spandex for afternoon workouts. Black Socks and volleyball shoes.Black need pads. Athletes must stay on campus during the break unless written permission is given to the coach from parents or guardians. Athletes need to bring water and snacks/lunch. All UIL forms and physicals must be complete at this time as well as signed volleyball rules agreement. Please contact Coach Payne for any questions: *** Times for practices are subject to change on short notice.***
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
New to the district registration will be by appointment only beginning July 28th. You can request an in-person or phone appointment when you call. Required documents include a copy of your child's social security card, birth certificate, proof of residency and a parent driver license and a copy of your child's immunization record. For high school registration call (979) 596-1534 for elementary or intermediate school call (979) 596-1502. Registration and all documents for new and returning students must be completed by August 11th in order to make plans to distribute devices to students.
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Wood
All male athletes we will not have workouts Wednesday July 22nd. All the coaches have a concussion training that day. We will pick it back up Thursday!
almost 4 years ago, Cal Neatherlin
School will start on Aug. 13th. We will be offering remote and face to face instruction. Safe start plans and protocols will be released next week. Please complete our survey if you haven't yet.
almost 4 years ago, Karla Sparks, Superintendent
Attention SISD EMPLOYEE's: Annual Enrollment for Health Benefits (July 20- Aug 21) Your Username Is: The first six (6) characters of your last name, followed by the first letter of your first name, followed by the last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number. Your Password Is: Last Name (Excluding punctuation) followed by the last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number. If you have previously logged in this year, you will use the password that you created, NOT the password format listed above.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
Parent Portal Is Currently Being Updated! Please register online AFTER July 20, 2020.
almost 4 years ago, Somerville ISD
parent portal